Worship at All Saints

On Sunday mornings, we have two services, which are essentially the same.  The EARLY Service at 9:00 AM – with the Choir and the MID-MORNING Service at 11:00 AM – with the Band.  (Kid’s Church – “Camp DIT”  is at 11:00 AM with Nursery at both services.)

Each service lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes. Although each has its own musical style, both services offer a rich liturgical worship.  The primary difference between the two is the type of music we sing.

Each service is arranged around two parts: Scripture and Sacrament. In the first half, we sing and read scripture and hear a sermon. The second half we respond to scripture by confessing our sin and participating in holy communion. We do this by using a liturgy (an orderly pattern of worship) that comes from the Book of Common Prayer.


Every part of our service – from what our clergy wear during worship to the colors of the fabric on the table and the direction we face during the gospel reading – is meaningful. Don’t be worried if you don’t understand the symbols at first. It takes time to learn!

We look forward to welcoming you to our worship service and other church events. We can’t wait to meet you! Our worship is open to everyone – and communion is available to those who have been baptized. (And if you haven’t been baptized, you are welcome to come up for a blessing at communion. Just cross both arms over your chest to let the priest know you would like a blessing rather than communion.)


The Adult Choir is formed of 22 volunteer singers who meet every Wednesday evening at 7 pm for a two-hour rehearsal. During that time we prepare the music for the upcoming Sunday, work on our tone and diction, phrasing and dynamics. We laugh, we pray, we care for one another.

On Sunday mornings, we warm-up beginning at 8:15 am in order to be ready for the 9:00 am service. The commitment is high; the rewards are even greater. We sing every Sunday of the church year except for a four-week break in the Summer. We also sing periodic Evensongs, and special services during the year, such as Good Friday, Ash Wednesday, Epiphany.

Singers who wish to join us should expect to work hard for the first year, since everything will be new! They will also be expected to be regular in attendance at rehearsals and services. We sing a variety of music, from African American Spirituals to music from the English Reformation, to Contemporary pieces.

One of the highlights of our year is our annual service of Nine Lessons and Carols on the second weekend of Advent. The pieces are full of longing for the Coming One. There is great variety, but all are centered on longing, waiting and preparing. When Christmas Eve finally comes, we are overwhelmed with joy at the remembrance of our Savior’s birth and his presence with us.

Folks interested in joining us should contact Karen Kearney, (843) 516-2776.


Ashley Scholl leads the Band during worship at the 11:00 am service. If you have a musical gift and would like to serve with the band, contact Ashley to learn more!

Children’s Choir

Our fledgling Children’s Choir is learning fast and growing! Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings.

The teaching is geared toward children who can read, but there is enough repetition that beginning readers can keep up. They are currently learning hand signs for Solfège that will later help with music reading. They are also learning to read music and understand musical symbols.

The goal is to sing something each month. Sometimes that will be with the Adult Choir at 9:00 am and sometimes that will be their own anthem at either 9:00 or 11:00 am. Interested families should contact Karen Kearney, (843) 516-2776.