Meg Schriffen is our Director of Children and Families. She brings a wealth of experience and joy to her role!
Children’s Church (Camp DIT) is offered at each service most Sundays. During Children’s Church the children are offered an age-appropriate lesson, activity, and a snack. They are returned to the sanctuary to join their families before communion.
Once a month we have “ALL IN” Sunday when Camp DIT takes a break. Children ages k-5th grade will join their families in the big service. A Children’s sermon is offered (as well as a shortened adult’s sermon) and the service highlights lots of our children (readers, choir). There are quiet activities available to keep little ones busy in our Kids’ Corner in the Narthex.
Our nursery is open during both the Early Morning and Mid-Morning services for babies and toddlers (under 4 years) every week.
Crew 45
Crew 45 is a special mid-week event for our 4th and 5th graders. It gives them their own “youth group” experience and prepares them for the transition to Youth Group at grade 6.
The kids meet monthly on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30. They enjoy dinner together, a lesson, activity, and games.
Please contact Meg with any questions!
Youth Ministry – Young Saints
The purpose of the Youth Ministry at All Saints is to equip our students grades 6th – 12th and develop them into disciples of Jesus. We seek to be a safe place where students deepen their Christian faith as they study the Bible together, apply the Gospel to their lives, and connect with other students. We hope to have a little fun along the way!
Contact to learn more!
High and Middle School meets Sundays from 12:30-2:30. Lunch is provided.