Becoming a Member

After you’ve visited All Saints for a while, you may feel you are ready to investigate membership.

Membership in a local church is the way Christians follow Jesus in the world. The local church commits to oversight, support, and protection of the Christian’s discipleship process, and a Christian commits to faithfulness, obedience, and service to the local church. Jesus gives the world the church, and we follow him by joining it.

If you are ready to learn about becoming a member at All Saints, we invite you to take part in a Newcomer’s Event.

Newcomer’s Event

The Newcomer’s Event is a time to learn more about our congregation, ask questions about our tradition, and explore the history and future of our church. This class is an important part of the membership process at All Saints and is required for membership.

Once a month (usually on the first Saturday) this event is held from 9am to 12pm.  Meet with other interested newcomers and Father Filmore to learn about Anglicanism and All Saints Church.  You’ll have a chance to ask any and ALL questions you might have.

Afterward, join Filmore and the group for lunch at a local restaurant for fellowship and food!

Contact Judy Rowe, Church Administrator for more information:


If you’ve decided to follow Jesus, the sacrament of baptism is the next step of obedience. Baptism is the door to the church, and no one enters without it. As an Anglican church, we believe the children of Christian families should also be baptized as they grow in public loyalty to Jesus with their family. 


After receiving instruction in the Christian faith through our confirmation classes, a member of the church is confirmed by a Bishop in our diocese and receives unique empowerment from the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:14-17; 1 Tim 4:14). Confirmed members can serve in leadership roles in the church.