9:00 EARLY – with Choir | 11:00 MID-MORNING – with Band

WATCH LIVE @ 9:00 & 11:00 | 5328 Hemby Road, Weddington, NC 28104

ASAC Headshots April 2023-2


“Welcome to All Saints Anglican Church. We are delighted that you are interested in finding out more about us.
All Saints is a Bible-based, liturgical, and Holy Spirit-led church living out (God being our helper!) the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our life together is shaped by the Protestant Reformation with a solid appreciation of the practice of the early Church.
We are diverse – on any Sunday, you might find worshipers who hail from five continents, all celebrating the new life we have in Jesus. God bless you in your pilgrim walk!”

Our Mission and Beliefs

All Saints Anglican’s mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ in the context of a biblical, sacramental, and Spirit-filled church.

Anglicans hold the faith of the original Church:
God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in oneness of being and trinity of persons,
The person of Jesus of Nazareth as both God and human,
The Bible as the “God-breathed” ultimate authority in faith, worship, and life,
Salvation through faith alone, in Christ alone, by grace alone,
The sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion as commanded by Christ,
The creeds of the early church (Apostles and Nicene) as the foundational statements of the Christian faith, and
The living and active work of the Holy Spirit.

Come worship with us this Sunday!

We look forward to welcoming you (and your family and kids) to our worship service and other church events.  We can’t wait to meet you!  Our worship is open to everyone – and communion is available to those who have been baptized.  (And if you haven’t been baptized, you are welcome to come up for a blessing at communion.  Just cross both arms over your chest to let the priest know you would like a blessing rather than communion.)

9:00 EARLY SERVICE – with Choir

Nursery and Sprouts (PreK) available


11:00 MID-MORNING SERVICE – with Band

Nursery and Sprouts (PreK) available

Children’s Church offered during this service.


Please note the service times may be different for special occasions like Christmas or Easter.  Please see our Event Calendar for details.

Upcoming Events

FAQ: What is worship like at All Saints?

On Sunday mornings, we have a Traditional service at 8:30 AM, a Contemporary service at 10:30 AM, and Kid's Church - Camp DIT at 10:30 AM, Each service lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes. Although each has its own musical style, both services offer a rich liturgical worship.  The primary difference between the two is the type of music we sing.

Each service is arranged around two parts: Scripture and Sacrament. In the first half, we sing and read scripture and hear a sermon. The second half we respond to scripture by confessing our sin and participating in holy communion. We do this by using a liturgy (an orderly pattern of worship) that comes from the Book of Common Prayer.

Every part of our service – from what our clergy wear during worship to the colors of the fabric on the table and the direction we face during the gospel reading – is meaningful. Don’t be worried if you don’t understand the symbols at first. It takes time to learn!

Come as you are - we welcome you to attend in whatever attire is most comfortable for you! Some folks at All Saints like to dress up by putting on their Sunday best, others like to wear something more casual and comfortable. Many people fall somewhere in between. Whatever you prefer to wear, you're welcome to worship with us!

That is a short question that could have a very long answer! But the short answer is that we celebrate Communion every week because we believe that is what Jesus wanted his Church to do. He said, Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. (1 Corinthians 11:25-26). The early Church carried on the practice of weekly Communion that they had received from the Apostles, and it was only much later that Communion became more infrequent. By taking Communion weekly, we are simply reclaiming that ancient biblical practice. Since the Lord has promised to meet with us and strengthen our faith whenever we eat this bread and drink this cup, we have every reason to do it as often as possible!

Yes!  We offer Nursery (for children  up to 2 years) and Sprouts (PreK) at BOTH services.  At our 10:30 service we also offer Camp DIT (Children's Church) for children K-6th grade. Please be considerate to all by NOT bringing any sick children to church. Thank you!

YES!  Both services are livestreamed and available for playback on our YouTube channel, or click the 'Watch' button on our homepage.


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