Because we believe in being good stewards of what God has entrusted to us, we encourage you to thoughtfully consider the advantages of giving stock to All Saints Anglican Church. If you own appreciated stock, it is almost always better to contribute stock than cash. By giving appreciated stock to a charitable organization, you avoid paying capital gains tax on the increased value of the stock. Because you are giving to a charitable organization, your gift is deductible for the market value of the stock at the time it was given.


Appreciated Securities Make a Great Gift

Many of our members have found that giving appreciated stock to the church makes very good sense. Please ask your financial advisor if this is a viable option for you.

If you plan to give securities to the church or would like to learn more, please notify the Church Office. You can email, or by phone at 704-874-7878.


The win-win result of giving appreciated stock is:

  • All Saints Anglican Church receives a gift as good as cash that will be used for God’s work.
  • Donors receive a charitable tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the stock and avoid capital gains tax on the appreciated value of the stock.